Hip and Knee Injuries

Injuries to the hip and knee are often extremely painful and debilitating. We rely on our hips and knees for walking, sitting, climbing stairs and more, all of which can be severely impacted by an injury. Soft tissue injuries affect the muscles, tendons and ligaments while meniscal injuries affect the cartilage that stabilises the knee joint.

Causes of Hip and Knee Injuries

Injuries may be caused by an accident or by overuse or chronic fatigue. A torn meniscus, for example, may be caused by a fall or collision during some kind of high impact sport like football. Or, if you are older, you may sustain a tear simply by moving awkwardly because the meniscus tends to weaken with age and becomes more prone to damage. Overstretching your tendons or muscles can cause strains while an overstretched tendon is called a sprain. It is important not to ignore sprains, strains and tears as continuing to use a damaged limb can result in more serious damage.

Symptoms of Hip and Knee Injuries

The intensity of symptoms will vary depending on how severe the injury is. Soft tissue injuries are graded from 1 to 3. If you have a grade 1 strain or sprain you may experience mild discomfort and swelling, however, a grade 3 injury is normally a complete rupture and is likely to result in severe pain and being unable to use the affected limb. If you have a grade 1 injury but continue to use the limb, you run the risk of developing a grade 2 or 3 injury. Similarly, if you damage the soft tissues around the knee, there is an increased likelihood of developing a meniscal tear. While mild pain can be treated with rest, painkillers and a cold compress, never ignore severe pain or pain that persists beyond 24 hours.

Diagnosis of Hip and Knee Injuries

Your doctor or orthopaedic consultant will examine the affected area to check for pain, swelling and loss of function. An X-ray may be used to check whether you have fractured a bone and other types of diagnostic imaging, such as MRI, may be used to determine the precise location and extent of soft tissue injuries.

Treatment of Hip and Knee Injuries

It is important to rest the affected area to give it chance to heal. If you injure yourself while playing sport or as the result of a trip or fall, we recommend remembering RICE – Rest the affected area, Ice to reduce swelling (although you should avoid applying ice directly to the skin), Compression with a firm bandage may also reduce swelling, Elevation of the affected area above the heart. Soft tissue injuries and tears can be very painful so try taking painkillers and anti-inflammatories. You may need to use a brace or crutches to help you to walk while the injury heals and a physiotherapist may be able to recommend exercises to strengthen the area and prevent stiffness, which is a risk after injury. In some cases, the injury may be so severe you may need surgery to repair the damage. This is normally performed arthroscopically using keyhole surgery, which has a faster recovery time and reduced risk of complications than conventional open surgery. It can take several weeks to recover fully from a hip or knee injury and it is important not to do too much too soon or you could delay recovery.


We are an experienced and highly qualified team of orthopaedic surgeons using the latest surgical and non-surgical techniques to eliminate or reduce pain so our patients can experience the best possible quality of life.


Whether you have an existing diagnosis or you are keen to discover what is causing your symptoms, contact us to arrange a consultation. We can organise any tests you require and discuss your treatment options.

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